22 Dec 2013

Get Paid For Article Writing

Article writing is the one of the best Way to get Paid.There are many article sites that
Publish you Content and Share It With The World. If you can write some decent quality articles then it’s possible to earn some good supplementary income.

Article sites mainly run on the model of residual revenue sharing where you get paid a share of the total earnings generated by your articles. Generally this is based on the number of page views your articles get. The more visitors see your articles the more  money you make. Some of the sites does not work like that, they simply share a percentage of the revenue  generated at the end of the month. Some of the sites pay upfront fees for submitting materials that are published after going through the editorial desk. But, upfront fees should not be your only motivation. Residual income is what you should look for. That’s the best way to earn money with articles sites.

The Best Paying Sites For Article  Writing :

Squidoo : It allows you to create your own webpage, where you can do anything and earn revenue from different sources like AdSense,eBay,Amazon etc. It’s not like the other article sites. But,if you can master using Squidoo you can expect to earn your living from Squidoo. 

ehow : To me eHow is the best among them all. You’ll have to write how to article on any topic. Your article must have easy to follow actionable program to solve the problem. How to sites are very popular because of the fact that users can find solutions to their problems with easy to follow actions.

Bukisa : Another one of my favorite article site. I recommend it simply because of it’s payments. They pays $4 for every 1000 page views. That’s better than most of the revenue sharing article sites.

Yahoo Voices : YV is one of the biggest among the revenue sharing article sites. It’s very popular and pays decent residual commission. But the most interesting thing about YV is that they pay upfront fees.

Hubpages : It’s almost similar like Squidoo.You can create your webpage with content. It may not be as big as Squidoo, but It’s the potential to earn you handsome money.

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